Fail It Forward

Stefnee Trzpuc, Design Research and Knowledge Management Specialist,

Talk Description
Culturally, we tend to celebrate successes, not failures. But what if we brought failures to the front of conversations? Sharing our own failures with others has broader organizational learning value. But it's not easy to be vulnerable in front of your peers. Stemming from an internal idea-generating workshop, BWBR staff developed "F15," a 15-minute storytelling format for sharing lessons learned from past failures.

Speaker Bio
Stefnee is a recovering interior designer who took on the task of creating a research and knowledge management program at BWBR. As an associate principal, she lends her extreme passion for problem solving in the areas of thought leadership, business intelligence, organizational learning, and operational improvement. When she's not leading research efforts for projects and clients, Stefnee keeps busy orchestrating communities of practice, intranet administration, and internal learning programs (which may or may not have included a recent Star Wars discussion forum). With a personal philosophy of "fail often, fail forward," she is an enthusiast for constant improvement and venturing down paths not yet paved.


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