KA Connect FAQ


What is KA Connect?

KA Connect is an annual knowledge management conference specifically designed for the AEC industry. The mission of KA Connect is to advance the practice of knowledge management in the AEC industry.

KA Connect brings together senior and emerging leaders from top AEC firms to share strategies and tactics for building and operating successful knowledge management programs.

KA Connect was founded by Knowledge Architecture in 2010.

What is the format of KA Connect?

KA Connect is “half conference, half camp,” with general sessions in the mornings, and a choose your own adventure program composed of roundtables, hangouts, an intranet cafe, outdoor activities, and plenty of unstructured time to connect, reflect, and recharge in the afternoons.

What is a Hangout?

Hangouts are attendee led conversations that happen in the afternoons at KA Connect. They exist to help you connect with people who share your interests within the greater KA Connect community.

Conference attendees drive the Hangout topics. Prior topics have included topics such as Internal Communications, Learning & Development, Lessons Learned, Process Improvement, and Business Intelligence. Hangouts are a great complement to the more formal aspects of the program.

Each individual Hangout will last 45 minutes. We’ll run two rounds of Hangouts per 90-minute block in the schedule.

We expect there to be between 25-35 individual Hangout sessions and most of them will be announced at the beginning of the conference.

What are Roundtables?

We’ll have four, 90-minute roundtables in the afternoons at KA Connect — Organizational Development, Knowledge Management, Learning + Development, and Internal Communications. Each roundtable will start with a 45-minute small group breakout topic followed by a 45-minute large group topic. The topics will be announced at the beginning of the conference.

What’s an Intranet Cafe?

We’ll have a special space (the Lookout) set aside as an Intranet Cafe in the afternoons at KA Connect. Attendees can drop by the Intranet Cafe during the afternoon to open up their laptops and geek out about intranet stuff together.

Co-hosts will share highlights from their intranet in an informal environment, as well as encourage other attendees to share their intranets as well. We’ll have two or more co-hosts in the cafe during its “open hours,” along with one or more KA team members.

Is there a dress code at KA Connect?

Mountain Casual. In other words, wear what makes you comfortable and ready to share ideas.

Will transportation be provided?

Yes! Your registration includes transportation between Salt Lake City (SLC) airport and your hotel (either Sundance Mountain Resort or Provo Marriott), as well as transportation between Provo Marriott and Sundance Mountain Resort during the conference.

Will there be a place to store my luggage?

Yes! For KA Connect attendees who are staying in Provo, you’ll be able to come directly to Sundance from the airport and store your luggage before heading to your hotel after the Welcome Reception and Dinner on Tuesday evening. You’ll also be able to take the shuttle from Provo to Sundance for the Farewell Brunch on Friday morning and then head from Sundance.

How do you select speakers for KA Connect?

Finding KA Connect speakers is a combination of intentional and serendipitous discovery. We come across potential speakers through our research, our client work, social media, industry publications, and conferences.

We are always looking for innovative firms and individuals who are building successful knowledge management programs in architecture, engineering, and construction firms.

If you, your firm, or someone you know is doing something you think would make for a great KA Connect talk, we'd love to hear from you.

What if I have questions that are not answered on this page?

E-mail us your questions at connect@knowledge-architecture.com.